Ryan’s Story: 18Q Distal Deletion Syndrome

Ryan’s Story: 18Q Distal Deletion Syndrome

Gary and Anita Munoz, parents of Ryan, their 6-year old son who is diagnosed with 18Q Deletion Syndrome, share their experience and unexpected change in behavior after going through a 4-day program at Saving Your Brain Tampa. After doing some research on Google for...
Retained Rooting Reflex and Developmental Delays

Retained Rooting Reflex and Developmental Delays

Retained Primitive Reflexes and Developmental Delays The rooting reflex in babies is a basic survival instinct. This reflex helps your baby find and latch onto a bottle or your breast to begin feeding. When you gently stroke the corner of your baby’s mouth with...
How Does Video Games Affect Your Child’s Brain

How Does Video Games Affect Your Child’s Brain

Let’s Look at How the Brain Responds to Screen Time Before addiction sets in, a child’s nervous system can become overstimulated and hyper-aroused from moderate but regular amounts of screen time. This causes the brain to be in a state of chronic stress...