The Seven Types Of ADD-Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD comes in many forms. For many years, healthcare providers believed there was just one type of ADD. However, Dr. Daniel Amen published in his book (Healing ADD) that there are actually 7 distinct types of ADD.
Some children have a transient form of ADD. Transient meaning comes and goes, depending on the situation. Some have a form that is almost always present. Some people have true ADD and some have other brain based problems that mimic ADD. A good example is those that have dealt with head trauma. We see many adults that did not have ADD as a child but are experiencing ADD symptoms after a concussion or blow to the head.
We have a way of knowing if we are dealing with ADD or some other type of brain based problem. That way is brain mapping. Brain mapping involves the recording of the electrical activity of the brain with EEG sensors. We then take the recordings and send them off to a clinical database for comparison. Mapping is a reliable way to look at brain function.
Type 1: Classic ADD
Type 2: Inattentive ADD
Type 3: Overfocused ADD
Type 4: Temporal Lobe ADD
Type 5: Limbic ADD
Type 6: Ring of Fire ADD
Type 7: Anxious ADD
The first step is a brain map. Type 1 ADD is completely different than the other 6 types. Brain mapping allows for targeted management of the problem. It allows us to identify where the problem is and the severity of the problem area. It also allows us to monitor progress. This is very different than any other model of care for ADD. The brain map model of care for ADD is 21st century care.
It is important for people to know that stimulant and antipsychotic medications are not the only options for dealing with ADD. There are very effective non-drug options for attention deficit disorder. We have had a very high success rate in dealing with ADD through mapping, neurofeedback, frontal lobe exercises, nutrition and metabolic testing. We have used this technique for almost a decade. For more information about our targeted ADD management program , contact us using the form or phone number below.
Dealing with ADD and other disorders can have a negative impact on a person’s quality of life and by using an alternative natural treatment, this negative impact can potentially be significantly reduced. It is important, however, to work with a treatment provider that uses the complete systems approach with alternative natural treatments so a person can get on the path to living a better life. Thus, if you or someone you know must deal with ADHD, contract a provider today.
Remember, brain maps help find the cause of ADHD. Neurofeedback can often correct the problem.
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