
Primitive reflexes are which are also known as newborn reflexes help babies survive and thrive.

By the time your baby reaches 4 to 6 months of age, their brain should have matured and replaced these involuntary movements with voluntary ones. When these primitive reflexes continue to persist, Kelly Miller is noticing a number of developmental and sensory issues that are associated with Autism, ADHD, and other brain problems.

One reflex is called the Palmar Reflex which is a grasping reflex and is one of the first reflexes that you’ll notice. You will notice how your baby’s fingers close around your pinky? The palmar grasp reflex disappears at around 5 to 6 months of age. The grasp is so strong that they will hang onto something even as you pull it gently away!

Over the past few years, Kelly Miller has lectured on this discovery and has helped his patients by offering corrective exercises as you can see on our Primitive Reflexes page.

In this presentation with New Mind Technologies, Kelly Miller discusses 4 cases where primitive reflexes are evident and their amazing changes after having gone through the Saving Your Brain programs. Watch the latest discovery of how remediation of the Primitive Reflexes can reduce excess delta.

“Recently, I saw some extraordinary changes in 4 patients that all exhibited primitive reflexes. We worked on integrating these by using Avant laser and stimulating the reflexes coupled with sensory integration of vibration, sound, light, and smell to the weaker hemisphere.

As the primitive reflexes became integrated, the slower delta waves normalized. These extraordinary changes occurred in 16 visits, seeing the people 2 to 4x/week. Primitive reflexes are associated with a lack of maturation in the brain stem. They should leave by 18 months.

High delta is associated with early life, ages 0-2. Is there a connection between high delta waves and primitive reflexes in older individuals?

Watch the special presentation and contact Kelly Miller, NMD with any questions at info@savingyourbrain.com. Learn more about Primitive Reflexes and Functional Disconnection Syndrome.