
Super Mom Belinda Ehl’s Inspiring Journey: Steven’s Recovery with Saving Your Brain

At Saving Your Brain in Tampa, Florida, countless families are finding hope and healing through the revolutionary brain training programs led by Kelly Miller, NMD, BCN. Today, we’re excited to feature the inspiring story of Belinda Ehl, a super mom who has worked tirelessly to support her son Steven through his remarkable journey of recovery.

A Long and Difficult Road

Steven, now a young teenager, faced a multitude of challenges that started at an early age. Diagnosed with tics, Tourette’s syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), ADHD, and autism, Steven’s life and development were far from typical. By the age of thirteen, his behaviors were often violent and unpredictable, and he was on a staggering eight medications—all at adult dosages. Doctors had little hope for his future, even suggesting that Belinda might eventually need to place him in an institution.

Belinda, however, was determined to find another way. After multiple therapies, hospitalizations, and countless consultations, she was referred to Kelly Miller, NMD BCN and his Melillo Method at Saving Your Brain.

Finding Hope at Saving Your Brain

When Steven first arrived at Saving Your Brain, he struggled with basic coordination, frequently melting down in public spaces, and even running away when overwhelmed. His cognitive and developmental delays were substantial. Despite these obstacles, Belinda and Steven started their journey with Saving Your Brain with cautious optimism.

“We had been through so many therapies and interventions,” Belinda recalls, “so we thought this would give us another little piece of the puzzle. We didn’t expect the big changes that came.”

Over the course of two and a half years, Steven’s transformation was nothing short of miraculous. Miller and his team focused on customized brain training to address Steven’s unique neurological needs. This personalized approach led to steady progress in reducing his medication intake, calming his behavior, and improving his cognitive function.

Remarkable Breakthroughs

Steven’s growth at Saving Your Brain went beyond behavioral improvements. Over time, he was able to reduce his medications from eight to just three prescriptions, with dosages cut by a third. His violent outbursts subsided, and his ability to communicate, both verbally and in writing, skyrocketed.

One major breakthrough came when Steven, once stuck at a third-grade writing level, suddenly completed a six-sentence story with minimal errors. Belinda was astounded. “It was a complete story, and it was beautiful,” she shares. “My husband and I were just in shock. That was the first time we saw something big had changed.”

Steven’s last evaluation revealed something even more incredible: his symptoms no longer qualified him for a diagnosis of autism or even Asperger’s. This was a profound moment of triumph for both Steven and Belinda, who had never imagined they would reach this milestone.

A New Future for Steven

Now standing at over six feet tall, Steven is no longer the same boy he was when he first walked through the doors of Saving Your Brain. He is more confident, able to engage in conversations with ease, and has developed critical life skills that were once thought impossible.

Belinda’s determination, coupled with Miller’s expertise, has paved the way for a brighter future. Steven’s psychiatrist, once concerned about his long-term outlook, has now expressed hope that Steven can hold a job and live independently in the future.

A Message to Parents

Belinda encourages other parents to be patient and keep hope alive. “Write down your concerns at the beginning, because the changes will come slowly. You’ll see improvements, big and small, that you never thought possible. For us, this journey has been worth everything.”

At Saving Your Brain, Miller and his team continue to work with children like Steven, offering families the tools and support they need to achieve life-changing transformations. As Miller says, “Saving Your Brain is like a family, and Steven is now part of that family.”

For more information about the incredible work being done at Saving Your Brain, or to learn how brain training can help your family, visit Saving Your Brain in Tampa or Kansas City.

Book a Telehealth Consultation and learn more about our customized Intensive programs for your child, teen, or family member.

These photos look like any ordinary teenager enjoying time with his peers. A little over two years ago, this was not possible.

He came to you at Saving Your Brain. He had been diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, OCD, ODD, Tourette’s, and High Anxiety, bouts of aggression and multiple sensory issues.

He was on 10 medications and had taken 3 ABA in home sessions, 3 Occupational therapy sessions and had done a 12 week program in Rogers Behavioral Hospital.

As parents we rarely went out as a family. One of us stayed home with our son, who couldn’t cope with the outside world, while the other parent ran errands or went to worship. 

Fast forward to the present after Saving Your Brain therapy,  Medication is down to 4 and doses are tapering down. He sleeps through the night. Steve loves trying new textures and styles of clothing and going out to eat. Loud noises do not bother him anymore.
So these photos  of him playing baseball for the first time, playing  a loud overloading sensory video game with peers, conquering his fear of heights on a ropes course, and trying a new sensory by attempting the Bed of Nails become EXTRAORDINARY! We can’t thank you enough for all the love and attention you and your staff have given our family during treatment as Steve’s brain continues to grow and become balanced!

The Ehl Family

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