April 2021 Newsletter

Sleep Solutions: Restoring Imbalances in Your Brain 

“Distrubances in sleep is a sign of brain imbalance. We now know that it is very important to go through the 5 stages of sleep every night and we need to cycle through them to get the most benefit. “

Dr. Kelly Miller, NMD – Author of Saving Your Brain

As the author of Amazon Best Seller book – Saving Your Brain, Dr. Kelly Miller explains how the letters in the word S-A-V-I-N-G Y-O-U-R B-R-A-I-N is an acronym, each representing an important area for brain health. S stands for Sleep and is perhaps, the most important activity for the brain in order to function at its optimal level.

As part of the Brain Health Awareness series, Dr. Miller provides us with great solutions on improving sleep by retraining the brain. His advanced technological systems map out affected areas of the brain to create a specific drug-free program to help patients sleep better.

Watch the Sleep Solutions Presentation to learn about: 

  • Important Stages of Sleep
  • What part of the brain is affected when you are deprived of sleep
  • Drug-free programs to help synchronize the brain
  • The in-office testing designed to save your brain
  • Tools you can use to improve brain function – QEEG Brain Map, Neurofeedback, Brain Tap, and more

After you have watch the presentation…

Healthy Sleep

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  • $100 off the Initial Brain Assessment
  • Free Enrollment to the Saving Your Brain Telemedicine programs

  • Schedule a FREE consultation with Kelly Miller, NMD

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