Let’s Talk A Little More About Inflammation Inflammation Can Shrink Your Brain—we’ve all heard of it, and many people are beginning to understand just how damaging it can be to the whole body, especially the brain. Inflammation is our body’s natural defense...
The Role Of A Healthy Gut In Healthy Brain Function A large body of evidence is accumulating to support a role between healthy gut function, neural development and function of the central nervous system. The microbiota present in the gut should be considered an inner...
What’s the generally accepted medical practice for treating someone with clinical depression, anxiety, ADHD, migraines, seizures, or many other “brain” problems? The usual answer is to prescribe a pill, such as a stimulant, an anti-depressant, an anti-anxiety...
You’ve heard of leaky gut, but have you heard of a leaky brain? If you have symptoms of leaky gut or intestinal permeability, you most likely also have a leaky brain, or “blood-brain barrier permeability.” How do you know? You can perform a simple test with...
The Seven Types Of ADD-Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD comes in many forms. For many years, healthcare providers believed there was just one type of ADD. However, Dr. Daniel Amen published in his book (Healing ADD) that there are actually 7 distinct types of ADD....