
Right Eye Tracking

Uncover Functional Vision and Brain Health Issues in Minutes.

RightEye measures and treats more than you can see.

Using advanced, eye-tracking technology, the RightEye system uncovers issues that an observation-only exam cannot. This advancement is game-changing: it’s now possible to pinpoint functional vision and brain health issues, identify the root cause of reading problems and improve athletic performance. All from a five-minute test.

Scientifically Verified Protocols

RightEye uses advanced eye-tracking technology and scientifically verified protocols to give patients a deeper, clearer evaluation of their brain’s levels of activity. Our five-minute, non-invasive assessment uncovers eye-movement patterns and functional vision issues that may be the result of neurological problems and helps care providers quantify changes. And it provides all of this data in a nice, neat, easy-to-read report.

1 in 4 children has an undetected vision problem that interferes with reading and learning, often misinterpreted as disinterest, dyslexia, or ADHD. Seeing the letters on the traditional static eye exam is only one of the necessary vision skills students require.

The RightEye Reading Skills Module™ was developed to help:

  • Record and illustrate possible deficiencies in reading and binocular vision issues
  • Understand a student’s eye movements while they are reading
  • Quantify reading comprehension and compare reading metrics against similar grade-level peers

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Initial Brain Assessment – $395


Neurological Exam

Balance Tracking System

QEEG Brain Mapping

Right Eye Tracking

Interactive Metronome

Cognitive Testing

Detailed Report of Findings

Our Services

Browse our wide array of brain-based healthcare services or click on the button in our menu to book an appointment at one of our three clinics.

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Change Your Brain. Change Your Life.



 12200 N. Ambassador Drive, Suite 603

Kansas City, MO 64163  

(816) 400-6844


 3500 East Fletcher, Suite 120

Tampa Florida 33613 

(813) 629-3287

This site is for informational and educational purposes only. The information contained on this site does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or treatment recommendations. Browsing this site does not establish a professional relationship with our clinic. The information contained on this website has not been evaluated by the F.D.A. and is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease.